Glenn Brubacher
In late June of 1958, Don was the guest speak at the Elmira Mennonite Church, Ontario and observed me leading the singing at the opening of the Sunday School hour. He invite me to be the song leader for his mid-summer tent campaigne in Centerville Long Island New York, arranged by a local Mennonite Church and a Methodist Church (if I remember correctly). At the end of the week of meetings he encouraged me to attend Eastern Mennonite College. I had planned to attend an agriculture college near home. That July I struggled very much with his invitation and decided to go to EMC. I do not know what Don saw in me that led him to make the invitation, or if he was an recruitment agent for EMC, but without his double invitations to be song leader and attend EMC my life work would have been very different. I became an ordained Mennonite misister, pastoring in serveral churches, because of his invitations him.